Thursday 23 May 2013

To My Family and Friends Back Home

In less than two weeks from today I will be flying home.

I did once look at the huge number of things I need to pack and the size of my suitcases but I just ended up frightening myself. Since then I’ve been supressing the fact that, at some point, I won’t just be able to lounge around listening to Eurovision songs in Icelandic and will actually have to do something productive like packing.

Anyway, today is not about Tetris games or how Icelandic would actually be a really cool language to learn.
Instead, I would like to publically thank my family and friends back home for everything.  So, here it is:      

Dear Family and Friends,

This year was totally self-inflicted. I knew it was coming and still whinged, cried and went on and on at you about it.

Yet, you’ve all been more than patient when I’ve woken you up at 7am your time because, well, I’d been up for at least 4 hours and fancied a chat. You’ve searched for that scrap of paper with my internet password written on it because I was an idiot and forgot it. You’ve kept me in Digestive biscuits and Earl Grey. You have commiserated with me when I, for the hundredth time, complain about how massive a cultural divide there is between Britain and Russia. You’ve visited me, kept me in the loop back home and made sure I still feel a part of things.
You have, in short, been the best family and friends ever. I don’t deserve a bit of how patient and supportive you’ve been, but somehow that didn’t matter to you.

So, THANKYOU all so much. I can’t wait to see you and I promise not to say the ‘R’ word too often.

With Love From Russia (That time doesn't count!)

Me x