Sunday 21 April 2013

Leave Whilst The Going's Good!

        Today is the 21st of April, which makes it one and a half months until I can drink water from the tap and walk across Waterloo Bridge. Words such as ‘Year Abroad Project’ are now really bad words and ones which inspire nothing but fear. Well, those words and ‘Delayed Student Loan’.

The local temperature has recently reached 13°C. I know I complained about the Arctic winter conditions, but all my summer clothes are in various bin bags in London, Sussex and Kent…So, Russia, I’m sorry! Let me wear my jumpers and thermals again!

Somehow I have also melted the button on the kettle with the thousands of cups of coffee I’ve been drinking to try and get work done. I have definitely spent too much of my (currently seriously depleted) student loan on ‘Calming Music’ on iTunes to off-set the stress caused by said (non-completed) work.

My attempts at speaking Russian are becoming more and more ridiculous as my brain revolts against me in a fruitless bid to speed up the remaining month and a half left here in Piter. Oh, and the death-stare the shop assistant gave me when I asked where I could buy a kettle could have boiled the entire Neva.

So, with a month and a half to go I’m getting pretty desperate to be back in London. Saint Petersburg is fantastic – it’s full of museums, cathedrals, bridges and wonderful experiences to be had, But, I think it’s about time I thought about going home and reclaiming the possessions I left scattered around the South East. Besides, it’s only fair to leave whilst my landlady still has some kitchen appliances that still work...

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